Hellooo Biemers!!!
Did you know that on Friday, March 14, 2025, the Distance Learning Program (PJJ) of the Management Study Program and the Distance Learning Program (PJJ) of the Accounting Study Program at Universitas Bunda Mulia held a Soft Skills Training session delivered by Ms. Ines Rinera, a Consultation Psychologist at Indonesian Life School & Clinical Psychologist (Guest Speaker)?
In the era of Society 6.0, where technology, artificial intelligence, and human life are increasingly integrated, understanding personality has become a crucial factor in developing both professional and social competencies. Therefore, this training aimed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the Big Five Personality Traits (OCEAN)—the five main dimensions of personality, which include Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism—as well as how these aspects play a role in preparing individuals to face the challenges of the modern workplace and social life. Ms. Ines Rinera explained that understanding these five personality dimensions can help individuals optimize their potential, enhance communication skills, and better manage emotions in professional and social environments. She also emphasized the importance of self-awareness in navigating the dynamic changes brought by the digital era and Society 6.0.
The training was met with great enthusiasm from PJJ students at Universitas Bunda Mulia, who come from diverse backgrounds and professions. They actively participated in the Q&A sessions and case studies provided to identify how their personalities could be developed to improve both personal and professional productivity and well-being.
One of the most exciting parts of the training was the Q&A session, where PJJ students eagerly asked questions about how to apply the OCEAN theory in daily life and the workplace. Some of the questions raised included: How can we manage the Neuroticism aspect to remain stable under work pressure? How can we identify our own personality type and align it with our work environment? Can a person’s personality change over time and life experiences? As a token of appreciation for the knowledge and insights shared, Universitas Bunda Mulia presented a Token of Appreciation to Ms. Ines Rinera. This gesture symbolized gratitude for her dedication in sharing knowledge and experience with PJJ students.
Through this training, Universitas Bunda Mulia remains committed to developing the soft skills of PJJ students, ensuring they possess competencies that align with the needs of the workforce and can adapt to technological advancements and social dynamics in the Society 6.0 era.