

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to submit a research grant proposal to Bunda Mulia University?

The proposal can only be submitted by home-based lecturers at Bunda Mulia University who can be identified by their NIDN. All applicant lecturers must have registered themselves in SINTA and have a SINTA ID. For new lecturers who do not yet have an NIDN, they can only become members for the time being. The proposal submission can be done through the following link:

Where can I obtain research document templates?

The template links and other research-related information can be accessed through the research portal at

Lecturers can access various templates used in research grant proposals on the following links:

Research Proposal Template

Technology Readiness Level (TKT)

Research Report

What are the forms of research grants that can be funded by P3M Bunda Mulia?

P3M UBM provides 3 grant schemes that are differentiated based on the target outcomes and the amount of funding received, as follows:

Basic research is research with the lowest grant value with a minimum outcome target of a nationally accredited SINTA journal publication.

National collaborative research is research that requires collaboration between researchers from Bunda Mulia University and researchers from external institutions within Indonesia. The outcome target is 1 publication in a Scopus/WoS indexed journal, or 2 publications in SINTA-accredited journals/Scopus or WoS proceedings.

International collaborative research is research that requires collaboration between researchers from Bunda Mulia University and researchers from foreign institutions. The outcome target is 2 publications in Scopus/WoS indexed journals.

What is the incentive received if a grant proposal is accepted?

The grant amount received varies and depends entirely on the target outcomes and publication achievements. To find out the amount of incentive received, lecturers can confirm with the P3M directorate via email at [email protected].

What is the procedure for obtaining publication incentives?

Publication incentives are only given for articles that have been published in reputable international journals indexed by Scopus/WoS, nationally accredited journals (SINTA), and reputable international proceedings indexed by Scopus/WoS. To find out the amount of incentive received, lecturers can confirm with the P3M directorate via email at [email protected].

What if a lecturer cannot access

Please contact P3M and we will provide access to the lecturer.

How to access journals managed by UBM?

Journals are academic publications that contain research works disseminated in a number of written academic articles. UBM and Akpar BM help disseminate research works carried out by internal and external researchers in a number of journals at: