The first Artificial Intelligence study program in Indonesia.
Statistics, Computer Science, and Business Domain Knowledge
Producing Informatics Experts for Industry 5.0
Combining the study and integration of businesses, processes, and technology
Combining Design, Art, and Technology
Knowledge of Visual Communication Design for the Creative Industry
Producing Accounting Professionals for the Digital Era
Cultivating Communication Experts in the Digital Era.
Digital Business, a new study field deriving from a combination of business management and information technology.
High-Quality English Studies with an Industry-Oriented Approach
Tourism Development Through Experiential Learning
Management and Retail in the Digital Era
Excellence in Mandarin Language Education with an International Standard
High-Quality Psychology Education with a Focus on Industry.
Cultivating Communication Experts for the Digital Era
Cultivating Management Experts for the Digital Era
Learn Accounting Anywhere, Anytime
Learn Management Anywhere, Anytime