On Wednesday, March 5th 2025, Management Study Program held a Lecturers’ Workshop with the theme “Strategy to Publish International Journal Scopus Quickly and Precisely” with the hybrid meeting with the aim of deepening the research abilities. This event is expected for lecturers to share experiences, discuss challenges faced, and develop strategies in publishing scientific research in international journals indexed by Scopus. The speaker in this event was Dr. Keni, S.E., M.M. as the Head of the Master of Management Study Program at Tarumanegara University, an academician who is active in international publications indexed by Scopus and SINTA. His experience can improve the knowledge of lecturers in conducting international publications indexed by Scopus. He also plays an active role as a reviewer in reputable international journals and national journals, so that this can enrich the discussion of the material in an effort to create scientific works that are in accordance with the perspective of reputable journal reviewers. The moderator in this event was Mr. Nicholas Wilson, S.E., M.M. who is a lecturer in the Management Study Program, Serpong Campus. The moderator who filled this event is also a lecturer who is also active in international publications indexed by Scopus and SINTA.
This event was attended by 8 onsite participants and 16 online participants who are lecturers from the Management Study Program, UBM, Ancol Campus and Serpong Campus as well as lecturers from the Accounting Study Program, UBM, Serpong Campus. The event started at 1.30 pm which was opened by Ms. Tannia, S.E., M.M. as the Head of the Management Study Program. The material presented was about strategies in publishing scientific research in international journals indexed by Scopus. Research must be prepared starting from synchronization with the targeted journal template, existing guidelines, inputting all data requested by the related journal until waiting for reviews from reviewers or other editors who will provide input. In addition to these technicalities, research should have novelty. After completing the material presentation session, the event continued with a question and answer session conducted by the lecturers and asked to the speaker. The certificate was given by Mr. I Gusti Agung Musa Budidarma, SE., M. Acc. Fin., PhD. as the Head of Academic 1 Serpong Campus to the speaker and moderator. The last session of the event was closed with a group photo. Hopefully, with the implementation of this event, it is hoped that the participants will have a better understanding and skills in deepening their research abilities, especially publications to Scopus indexed journals.